Being with Jesus vs. Doing for Jesus (Matt. 11:28, 29)
We’re human beings, not human doings.
Our culture tells us how to “do” so much that we rarely learn how to just “be.” Even in Church-world, we learn how to do a great deal for Jesus, but don’t learn very well how to simply be with Jesus.
It’s interesting that Jesus “often withdrew to lonely places and prayed” (Luke 5:16), the operative word being often. I rarely withdraw to lonely places (I’m working on it now). It’s also noteworthy that when He called His disciples the primary reason was “that they might be with him” (Mark 3:14) before He sent them out to do stuff. I normally do stuff first (again, working on it).
When I reflect on my best weeks, and even my best days, they are all characterized by prioritizing time alone with Jesus in solitude. Just dedicated time chillin’ with the Christ in conversation, prayer, journaling, reading, thinking, dreaming.

You’d think this would be a normal rhythm of life because I know how fruitful it is. But alas, the distractions of life get to me too. I’d rather be honest than hide on a stage or behind a mic. Full humanity here, thanks Christ for grace daily as I grow.
But when the busyness of life does demand my attention, I recall Christ’s promises. That if I come to Him weary He will give me rest (Matt. 11:28, 29). That when Mary choose time with Jesus over doing good things with Martha, she choose the greater thing (Luke 10:42). And that abiding (resting and residing) in Jesus is alone the way to get the fruitful (effective and impactful) life I desire (John 15).
I’m striving to choose to be with Jesus before doing for Jesus.
I’m working on it now.
Enjoy this sermon and let me know what you think @legintv or text me at 757-982-8180.
In Him,